BRCGS is a leading brand and consumer protection organisation used by over 29,000 certificated suppliers in over 130 countries, with certification issued through a global network of accredited certification bodies.
BRCGS standards guarantee the standardisation of quality, safety and operational criteria and ensure that manufacturers fulfil their legal obligations and provide protection for the end consumer. Certification to BRCGS are now often a fundamental requirement of leading retailers, manufacturers and food service organisations.
John Saul Ltd is a member of Sedex, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. Sedex is a global membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains. Their collaborative approach helps buyers and suppliers to share and exchange data, helping to better manage social and environmental risks within their supply chain, and positively impact responsible sourcing. Sedex provides a range of tools, services, guidance and training to help companies map and manage risks in their supply chain. They have over 60,000 member companies in over 180 countries. They work across 35 industry sectors, including food, agriculture, financial services, apparel, packaging and chemicals.
Sedex is not a standard setting body and doesn’t approve or certify our policies and standards. Instead, becoming a member of Sedex is a sign of John Saul Ltd’s willingness to share information and to utilise this information to help manage and improve ethical standards within the supply chain.
Tesco Nurture
This code of practice ensures our vegetables are grown with food safety, quality and legality firmly in mind.
LEAF Marque
LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) is a leading global assurance system recognising more sustainably farmed products. It stands for more environmental sustainability and is held by farm businesses which meet their rigorous standards of sustainable farming practice. LEAF Marque certified businesses have been independently verified against the robust LEAF Marque Standard.
M&S Select Farm Produce
We have gained M & S Select Grower accreditation for cabbage crop.
Red Tractor Fresh Produce
Red Tractor Assurance was established in 2000 and is the UK's leading farm and quality food assurance scheme. It is a not-for-profit, limited company set up by the UK food industry and its logo signifies farm to pack assurance.
Red Tractor Farm Assurance Combinable Crops and Sugar Beet Scheme
This scheme was formally known as Assured Combinable Crops (ACCS). The scheme provides effective assurance to internationally recognised standards and are a fundamental link in an integrated chain of assurance throughout the food chain from farm to pack. They have been developed over the years to address legislative requirements, scientific evidence, good practice in the industry and consumer concerns. Assuring food safety through every part of the food chain is a vital priority for the food industry and for its many millions of consumers. Couple this with the demand for traceability of food; in crops sectors, a concern for minimised pesticide residues; in livestock production, increasing consumer awareness of animal welfare issues, the need for meaningful farm assurance is self-evident.